Mississippi Department of Agriculture and CommerceThe mission of the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce is to regulate and promote agricultural-related businesses within the state and to promote Mississippi’s products throughout both the state and the rest of the world for the benefit of all Mississippi citizens.
New Company Information Any new registrant who has had no previous product(s) registered in Mississippi will need to submit a Power of Attorney (POA) form. Power of attorney forms must be completed, notarized and sent to: Business Services Division Secretary of State P. O. Box 136 Jackson, MS 39205. The Secretary of State charges a [...]
A Tree Surgery License is required for persons who advertise in a local phone book, newspaper, newsletter, bulletin, the internet, or other prominently displayed sign as a licensed or bonded or insured tree surgeon and receives compensation for any work or consultation relative to the care, pruning, cabling, bracing, topping, trimming, fertilizing, cavity work and [...]
Directory of Mississippi Certified Nurseries and Nursery Dealers (PDF) The Bureau of Plant Industry certifies Nurseries and Nursery Dealers. The Bureau of Plant Industry does not sell plants or trees. In Mississippi, there are Nursery Dealers and Nurseries. A Nursery Dealer is a retail establishment that buys plants for resale. A Nursery is an establishment [...]
Chinese tallow is a popular ornamental because of its fast growth rate, attractive fall color, and ability to resist damage from pests. It is a small tree that grows to about 20 feet tall, but some specimens can reach up to 50 feet. It is freely branching with leaves arranged alternately on branches. The leaves [...]
Applesnail & Eggsac Emergency Regulation on Applesnails The Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce - Bureau of Plant Industry adopted September 12, 2001 an Emergency Applesnail Regulation. The regulation was adopted In order to prevent the introduction and spread within the State of Mississippi the destructive plant eating Applesnails of the family Ampullariidae. Under the [...]
The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) is a cooperative program between the United States Department of Agriculture-APHIS-PPQ and the states. The primary objectives are exotic pest detection, export enhancement and biological control. NAPIS (National Agricultural Pest Information System) is the primary database. Data from Mississippi’s major survey programs are transmitted to NAPIS at the end [...]
The Federal Imported Fire Ant Quarantine 81 was invoked to prevent the artificial spread of imported fire ants -red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta), black imported fire ants (Solenopsis richteri) and their hybrids. This quarantine covers the entire state. Approximately 125 nurseries are under compliance agreements for the quarantine. These agreements allow nurseries to ship [...]
In 2004, the Plant Act was amended to include noxious weeds. Currently nine weeds are listed as regulated on the Mississippi Noxious Weed List (page 47). Of the weeds listed the Bureau has active programs involving four of the weeds. Information about these weeds and current activities are listed below. BENGHAL DAYFLOWER / TROPICAL SPIDERWORT [...]
The Gypsy Moth, Lymantria dispar, is a destructive forest pest. Gypsy Moth caterpillars are known to feed on the foliage of hundreds of species of plants, but in North America the most common hosts are oaks and aspen. When Gypsy Moths are in high populations trees may become completely defoliated, after several years of defoliation [...]