New Company Information
Any new registrant who has had no previous product(s) registered in Mississippi will need to submit a Power of Attorney (POA) form. Power of attorney forms must be completed, notarized and sent to:
Business Services Division
Secretary of State
P. O. Box 136
Jackson, MS 39205.
The Secretary of State charges a $37.00 filing fee. Send the check or money order to the Secretary of State. The POA form must be duplicated front and back for notarization. A company is not active and cannot have active product in the State of Mississippi without this form.
Section 69-23-23 requires non-resident firms, which distribute or offer a pesticide for sale in Mississippi, to appoint a resident agent for service of process. According to this Section, the resident agent may be either the Secretary of State (SOS) or any Mississippi resident agent who agrees to serve. In either case, the law requires the registrant to furnish a certified copy of the designation to the Bureau of Plant Industry from the Secretary of State. The appointment will remain in force indefinitely unless revoked.
A firm whose name appears on the pesticide label as a distributor or a manufacturer must appoint a legal processing agent unless that firm is a division/subsidiary of another parent organization. Therefore, a certified copy of the Power of Attorney form verifying the parent firm’s appointment of a legal agent must be provided to the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) from the Secretary of State’s office.
If you are a Mississippi resident, a Power of Attorney form is not required. However, you must provide a notarized statement indicating your Mississippi residence address. If your address changes, a new notarized statement indicating your new Mississippi address is required.
New Product Registration
The cost to register a product in Mississippi is $200.00 per product.
An agent will need the product information and a current label available in order to register the product.
Mississippi Online Pesticide Products Registration Products System
Mississippi has an online system that companies can use to register their products, renew registration, upload revised labels, and pay for registration. Once the BPI has received a certified copy of a company’s POA from the SOS, an agent can register himself/herself as the person responsible for ensuring that a company’s product registrations and labels are current. The agent can then register the company from his or her agent home page and begin registering products. The link to the online system is as follows: .
Once an agent has logged in to the online system, the company (ies) that he/she represent will be listed on the Agent Home Page. Clicking the company name will take you to the Company Home Page where you can complete different tasks, such as update company details, register a new product, update product labels, etc.
Rebate Instructions
Rebates only apply to products produced in Mississippi. Products produced in the State of Mississippi are allowed a $100 rebate. Additional Brand Names are not eligible for rebates since no registration fee is required for registering additional brands. A Mississippi establishment number is required to claim rebate for a product, and we must receive notarized documentation that the product is produced in Mississippi before the product will be approved.
Additional Brands
A fee is not required to register additional brands in Mississippi if they meet the following requirements of Section 5 of the regulations:
- The EPA registration numbers must be the same for the first two sets, only the third set (distributor numbers) can be different.
- The ingredient statements must be the same.
- All use directions must be the same.
- Only pesticides registered with EPA by the same manufacturer shall be considered for additional brands. Products produced for distributors and/or another company must provide the name and address of the company on the label. It must appropriately state on the label, “sold by”, “distributed by”, “manufactured for”, or “packaged for.” The online system will recognize additional brands and figure your total amount owed accordingly.
EPA Exempt Products
The regulations (see Section 7) require registration of FIFRA Section 25(b) exempt products and animal drugs which make insect control claims. If they are deemed a pesticide as defined in the law and/or regulations, they must meet all labeling and other requirements as specified. Efficacy data are required to support label claims for FIFRA Section 25(b) products. Submit all data supporting registration of these products.
Special requirements exist for the registration of adjuvants. The label ingredient statement for adjuvants must show each active ingredient at least by the generic chemical name and the percentage for each (See Section 9 of the regulations and the instructions for registering an adjuvant). When entering the active ingredient name for adjuvants/surfactants into the online system, you will type the word “Adjuvant” and a total percentage amount of active ingredients. Actual chemical name for adjuvants/surfactants is not required.
Pesticide products expire December 31st each year and must be renewed to remain as active products in the State of Mississippi. Any unregistered product found being sold in Mississippi will have an immediate Stop Sale issued by BPI. Renewals for existing active products in Mississippi can be completed from the Company Home Page of the online registration system during renewal period. If there is no change to a label, it is not necessary to upload a new label. Only labels with revisions need to be loaded before completing the renewal process.
Label Updates
Revised labels must be uploaded into the online system for our approval. We encourage label updates to be submitted throughout the calendar year and not just during renewals. This allows us to better assist registrants in a timely manner during renewals.
Discontinuance of Pesticide Product Registration
Per our regulations, a registrant is only required to register a product for a minimum of one year after the product has not entered the channels of trade in the State of Mississippi. The responsibility to ensure the product has been removed from all shelves in Mississippi belongs to the registrant. We will issue a Stop Sale on any unregistered product found in our State. Once the product has gone through one year of discontinuance, the registrant can then cancel the product during the following renewal.
Please feel free to contact the Bureau of Plant Industry via email or by phone (662) 325-8147, if you have any questions or need assistance regarding product registration, renewal, label update, compliance, etc.
Forms, Laws & Regulations
» Laws
» Regulations
Pesticide Registration
Alex Adkins
Phone: (662) 325-8147
Pesticide & Environmental Programs
Randy Boyle
Phone: (662) 325-0878
Pesticide Applicator & Certifications
Russell Kohler
Phone: (662) 325-7766
P.O. Box 5207
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Fax: (662) 325-8397