Brown Garden Snail
The Bureau implemented in 1991 a regulation to prevent the introduction and spread of Brown Garden Snails (Helix aspersa Muller) within the State of Mississippi. The Brown Garden Snail is a plant eating snail which can seriously affect ornamental and various other types of nursery stock. The regulation prohibits the movement of the live forms of this pest into or within the State of Mississippi in any stage of development.
The Bureau conducts extensive inspections of shipments of plant material originating from California and other States in which this pest is considered established.
Click on the Regulation link above for the State Restrictions of Plant Diseases, Insect and Weeds.
Forms, Laws & Regulations
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» Regulations
Plant Pest Program
Kacey Watson
P.O. Box 5207
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Phone: (662) 325-7761
Fax: (662) 325-8397